Although an experienced user of composers’ work catalogs should understand most of the information given in repeated entry fields, here is a glossary of the major expressions and somer other words. You may also ask for a translation of a shorter text (
- Aikaisemmin = Earlier
- Alttoviulu = Viola
- Arkisto = Archive
- Baletti = Ballet
- Ei tunneta = Not known (probably lost)
- Ensiesitys = First performance
- Ensijulkaisu = First publication
- Fagotti = Bassoon
- Harppu = Harp
- Huilu = Flute
- Jousikvartetti = String quartet
- Jousiorkesteri = String orchestra
- Kansanlaulu = Folk song
- Kantaatti = Cantata
- KK = The Finnish National Library (Kansalliskirjasto)
- Klarinetti = Clarinet
- Kuoro = Choir
- Kustantamo = Publisher
- Käsikirjoitus = Manuscript
- Käyrätorvi = French horn
- Käännös = Translation
- Lauluääni = Voice
- Lausuja = Reciter
- Lisäjulkaisu = Other publications
- Lisätietoja = Background information
- Mieskuoro = Male-voice choir
- Naiskuoro = Female choir
- Näytelmämusiikki, näyttämömusiikki = Stage music, music for a play
- Omistus = Dedication
- Orkesteri = Orchestra
- Pasuuna = Trombone
- Piano nelikätisesti soitettuna = Piano for four hands
- Puhallinkvartetto = Quartet for wind instruments (trumpets, French horn and trombone)
- Puhallintrio = Trio for wind instruments (flute, clarinet and bassoon)
- Sello = Violoncello
- Sibelius-Akatemian kirjasto = Library of the Sibelius Academy
- Sinfoninen runo = Tone poem
- Sovitettu = Year of arrangement
- Sovitukset = Arrangements
- Sävelletty = Year of composition
- Teksti = Author of the used text
- Teokset ilman opusnumeroa = Works without opus number
- Tiedonlähteitä = Sources
- Trumpetti = Trumpet
- Urut = Organ
- Viulu = Violin
- Viulusonaatti = Violin sonata